Saturday, April 11, 2009

Loose Ends

Sometimes problems gets solved before they really are problems. They're just little nagging worries about things that might become complications, or decisions that must be made. This week seemed to have a few of those, and since they've been resolved so neatly, I thought I'd include those together here.

John got a call from his contact at the Naval base, telling him that the missile operation in May has been "slipped" into June. That's great, since the HAM fest at Estes Park is the last weekend of May, and we've invited some good friends from Utah to stay with us that week. I really didn't want anything to mess up that weekend, since they haven't had a chance to visit us here before. So everything is a go for that weekend, Stacey and Ryan. Life is good.

The other concern, of course, was what to bring to the Easter feast tomorrow. I owe a debt of gratitude (one of many) to my friend Sherrie. She reminded me that there's no reason I can't just bring everything I want to bring. People are likely to eat it all. So the three things I wanted to bring, none of which seemed quite right on its own, are perfect if I bring them all, and that's what I'm going to do. I'll bring my "Methodist Jello," which is named after a funny event I'm not sure I should recount. I'll bring my "Juicy Lucy Salad,"  fresh greens with strawberries, caramelized pecans, gorgonzola cheese and poppy seed dressing. And we'll finish the list by bringing dessert—Italian Cream Cake with fresh Nectarine Topping for those who want it. 

I realize that Easter isn't about eating. The friendship on special days, though, makes me want to offer something extra nice from our home and hearts to add to their table. This should do it.