Monday, April 27, 2009

Weird April

After a winter where we had almost no snow, suddenly we're enjoying an April of seesaw temperatures and plenty of the white stuff. Two days ago it was in the 80s. When I went to bed last night it was forty-two degrees and raining. 

I woke up around one in the morning, thinking to use the facilities and go back to bed. I noticed a white glow emanating from beyond the windows and stopped to stare out at the frosty elegance of snow encrusted pines towering above the white laced ground. We got somewhere between two and three inches, and it's still coming down this morning, just gently drifting—making me smile. I know, it takes all kinds. 

Somebody once said that if you really wanted to make God laugh, you should tell him your plans. It dawned on me this morning that the last two snowfalls have coincided with days when I had a book or audiobook coming from Amazon. Would you believe? That's right. I'm expecting a delivery today. They won't come into the foothills in the snow. I don't think I'll be enjoying J. D. Robb tonight.

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