Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love Me Like a Dog

I'll admit it's a strange title, but it's such an amazing image that it has stayed with me all day. This morning our church had the youth group lead our early church worship service, even giving the sermon and scripture readings. They did the music as well. It was all handled very well, with reverence and some incredible thought and insight.

Nothing, however, touched me as much as a tall young teen named Geoff. In his portion of the sermon he described God's love in the scriptures, why we are all called to love one another, and how we are to accomplish this. One image he gave was so simple, it overwhelmed me. When he comes home, his dog stops whatever he's doing to come to greet him with such loving enthusiasm, he knows he's loved. There is no doubt. Nothing is more important in the dog's life than letting him know how wonderful it feels to welcome his master home.

I got such a clear picture in my mind of God welcoming me that way, but even happier than one of these furry bundles of friendship. When I've been wrapped up in myself for hours, busy with life in general, and sit down to a meal, turnubf my thoughts to Him for a blessing, I will now imagine him welcoming me back into his presence with that type of joy.

Thanks, Geoff.

1 comment:

sherrie said...

This is great. Thanks for sharing.