Music makes the world go 'round. OK. Maybe it doesn't really, but it must at least make it spin faster or something. I've always felt that a gift of music is one of those things that just keeps on giving. This week we were given third row tickets to see the Coasters and the Platters in concert. That concert was last night, and we had a ball.
I'd like to say something about the giver of those tickets before I hit the highlights of the concert itself. You buy a house and never see your realtor again unless you have a friend you want to refer, right? Not if you buy a house from Wynn Washle. In the year and a half since he sold us our home, we've received a beautiful "Colorado ~ The Good Life" plaque, a gift card for a restaurant for our one year anniversary of buying the house, and were included in a group theatre party when Wynn and his family rented out one entire screening of Harry Potter's most recent film when it opened. That included popcorn and soda for everyone. Wynn wore his wizard garb. He's one of a kind, and a kind one at that. We got lucky when we found him.
Now, on to the concert. Knowing all the words to almost all the songs did, of course, contribute to making this such a special night, but couldn't have made it so perfect all by itself. I've been to so many concerts. Sometimes I've felt a little jaded. I've seen big stars who were a real disappointment. These guys had the voices that rocked the 50's and 60's. The backup band was incredible, even though they looked young enough to be my children. Oh, my.
One of the things that was really great was sitting in the third row, off to the side, with nobody in front of us. It actually contributed to something very special happening. All during the show, especially with The Coasters (since I have every song they've ever recorded, as far as I know) I was quietly singing along. This one singer, since he had such a clear view of me through the empty seats, would look over often, like he was checking to see if I was still singing along. Lots of people were, but I'm not sure too many people really know all the verses — just the choruses. He'd smile. I was smiling the whole time, so obviously I was having a ball. I really didn't want their segment to end, since they're my favorites.
As luck would have it, they got called back for an encore. Someone behind me said "Charlie Brown" fairly quietly, but I heard him. I said, "Little Egypt" about the same level, but the lead singer on stage was looking right at me and said, "What? Little Egypt? You want me to sing Little Egypt for you?" And they walked right over toward me and did it a cappella. I was so stunned I didn't sing along, but I didn't stop grinning, either. If I'd had the nerve, I would have asked them to follow it up with D. W. Washburn, my all time favorite, but I'd already gotten more than I could believe.
If anyone can follow The Coasters, it's The Platters. The words to Only You have to be among the most amazing love songs ever written. I think it's the sort of love all mothers want for the children... and for themselves, of course. Sitting with John and listening to these wonderful ballads from the 50's and 60's was, to use an old expression, simply dreamy. And suddenly we were young again.