Sunday, September 2, 2007

Another Grand Week

Actually I didn't do much of anything except cook today. I read, reorganized my music files on the computer, and enjoyed the front deck for awhile. Then I read some more and moved to the back deck. We watched the deer in the yard. Whatever I might have been thinking about doing today — I didn't do it. But it sure was a wonderful day. 

In fact, it's been a really good week. We visited with neighbors, and just enjoyed being here. On Friday we met Ruth's folks in town and showed them the winding roads to our place in the foothills. We gave them the tour, and sat around awhile, and then piled in the cars and went to a neighboring town to see their grandson play in his first Freshman football game. It was the type of game you would call a character builder. There were more of his relatives there than any other player on either team could claim, and that's a sure bet. I'd imagine that at a conservative count there were at least fifteen of us there, many of whom we'd not seen in over a year.

The highlight of the weekend, though, would have to be our restraint in not allowing ourselves to be drawn into a hair-raising budget dispute after church. (How fast can you get out of a parking lot?)


Schmath said...

Ryan is going to be in Denver later this week with his ham radio. Doesn't John a ham guy? They should tune in to each other.

Ruth said...

I talked to my mom about the game. It sounds like my poor nephew is the only one who knows what he's doing - which is why they had him, the QB, play defense, too??? Thanks for going and supporting him. Hopefully the team will get better as the year goes on.

Kathleen said...

Hey, Schmath - KF6CHT is John's call letters, and he needs to know Ryan's license class, call letters, and when to listen, and what frequency. You have my gmail address, so write us there with particulars, okay?

And Ruth, about the only thing that would have made the visit with your side of the family better would have been seeing your smiling face there as well. You're certainly right about Mikal being the star of the team. Hopefully the rest of the team will learn how to stop being spectators and give him a little coverage. We're going to Longmont for this Friday's game and see if their coach has worked any magic yet.